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Sport and exercise scientists on twitter

​More and more scientists are becoming active on social media, in particular twitter. Yet, I have not been able to find a comprehensive list of sport scientists, exercise scientists, physiologists, nutrition scientists who are on twitter.

I made a start with a list that includes some of the scientists who in my opinion posted some great information in the last year(s) and are well worth following. The list is short and by no means comprehensive. I hope, however, that this is a start of a more comprehensive list. I invite scientists who I have not included in this list yet to send me a brief message on There are a number of criteria I would like to use for this first attempt to get a list together:

  1. Must be actively publishing in areas relevant to exercise and sports

  2. Must convey (predominantly) evidence based messages

  3. Must have a minimum of 500 followers

I hope that this message will be shared and together we can build a more comprehensive list. I will aim to update the list regularly.

If responses are adequate, I will also consider doing a list for more applied scientists in the future, with less focus on publications and more focus on practical application.

Please share with colleagues!

Download a pdf of the "sport scientists on twitter"-list here:



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