Busting myths about athlete immunity and low energy availability
Probiotics: it may not all be positive
Supplements for football
Fish oil: what is it?
What are the effects of low energy availability on health and performance?
Timing of iron intake: Tips to maximise absorption
UEFA expert group statement on nutrition
How important is energy intake for recovery from injury?
Are my iron levels affecting my performance?
What you can eat and do to reduce becoming infected with respiratory pathogens like the corona virus
How useful is an allergy test?
Enhancing sleep through nutrition
Vitamin D and performance
What are FODMAPs?
A gut feeling about probiotics
Probiotics: can they help to prevent illness?
You are your bacteria? Really?
Strategies to reduce illness risk in athletes: Part 2
Strategies to reduce illness risk in athletes: Part 1
Effects of exercise on immune function and risk of infection