Why is performance in the heat decreased?
Can caffeine improve absorption of carbs?
How intestinal absorption adapts to diet and the implications
Training the gut for athletes
Intake of English Premier League soccer players
LCHF diets and performance in elite athletes
Carb loading: what is new?
New position statement on Nutrition and Athletic Performance
Nutrition for a half distance triathlon
Foodfight: high fat versus high carb
Effects of carbohydrate in team- and skill sports
6 Ways to "train-low"
Energy intake during the Tour de France
Rapid recovery versus long term adaptation
Carbohydrate and soccer performance
Recommendations for carb intake during exercise
Is more carbohydrate better during exercise? And how much is too much?
Spit or swallow? Carb mouth rinse and performance
Carb mixes and benefits
Not all carbs are equal